June: Closing submissions.

Tribunal entered into its report writing phase.

In 1991, the claim was seen as revolutionary. Now the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), through the IGC (Intergovernmental Committee on IP and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge, and Tradition Cultural Expressions), has been addressing the issues surrounding the protection of biological resources, traditional knowledge, and traditional cultural expressions. The Convention on Biodiversity is one of the outcomes of this process. WIPO has also set in place deadlines to advance treaties for the protection of traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions.

In 2005, the Government proposed some amendments to the Patents Act in the Patents Amendment Bill 2005 to help address the issues raised in the WAI 262 claim. The Bill introduced a ‘Māori Consultative Committee’, which will advise the Commissioner whether an invention draws from Māori knowledge. If so, the Committee must advise whether exploitation of the invention is contrary to Māori values. The Bill gives no legislative backing to the findings of the Committee, and the Commissioner could ignore the advice given. In addition, there is no benefit sharing provisions in the Bill.


Dell Wihongi passed away on 26 July 2008.


Murray Parsons passed away 10 May 2011.

September: Saana Waitai-Murray passed away.

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